Message board moderation« Back to Questions List

Given that this is a closed forum, with everyone registered and known to UOCL, why are messages sent for moderation (ie checking) by an independent agent (the web site admin - no offence Guy!) before they can be shared. This prevents owners having quick communication. Messages could always be reported for offence etc AFTER posting, in the tiny number of cases that this may happen. On a closed forum, I suggest this could be nil. Maybe there are stats that show where postings have been blocked, but as an owners forum, it would need to be for a very good reason!
Posted by tifkat
Asked on March 15, 2018 9:11 am

Excellent point, I always feel that if messages are ”moderated” that it could be viewed that some messages are held back (when this isn’t actually the truth. I feel that this forum needs to be viewed as being open and transparent (which I’m sure it is) but to remove any doubt.

Answered On March 19, 2018 3:58 pm