The Finer Details

Terms and Conditions

  1. Swimming Pool, Spa Pool, Sauna, and Steam Room
    1. General Usage
      • Suitable costumes must be worn when using the spa pool, steam room, sauna, and swimming pool. 
      • Please take a shower both before you use the wet area facilities and when moving from one facility to another. 
      • Diving, dive bombing, jumping, and running are not permitted in the pool or wet areas. 
      • The use of beach balls and other inflatables is prohibited. 
      • Glass and food are not permitted in the pool, wet area, or on the balcony at any time. 
      • Shaving is not permitted outside of the changing facilities.
    2. Safety Recommendations
      • We recommend that you do not use any of the wet area facilities immediately after eating or after having consumed alcohol. 
      • We recommend drinking plenty of water to keep your body hydrated before and after using the spa pool, sauna, or steam room. You are advised to take a cool shower after use. 
      • We recommend that the spa pool, sauna, and steam room be used for a maximum of ten minutes on your first session. Should you wish to spend longer, please shower and repeat the process. The wet areas are used at your own risk.
    3. Health Considerations
      • If you are pregnant, have a heart condition, high blood pressure, or asthma, you are advised not to use the spa pool, sauna, or steam room or should seek medical advice before doing so. 
      • If you are on any medication, please consult your doctor before using any of the wet area facilities. A doctor’s referral may be necessary. 
      • People with diabetes should check with their doctor before using the steam room. The use of steam rooms can directly affect insulin sensitivity and absorption. 
      • Older Adults: May gain great benefit from the use of a steam room but should exercise caution due to the stresses on the heart and circulatory system.
    4. Children and Age Restrictions
      • All children under 15 must be accompanied by an adult.
      • All children under 15 must vacate the facilities outside of the hours before 8.30am and after 6.30pm (7.00pm during school holidays).
      • We advise against the use of the sauna, steam room, and spa pool for children under the age of 16. However, if a guardian chooses to permit a child under their care to use these facilities, please be informed that it is the guardian’s sole responsibility to supervise and ensure their safety at all times. We strongly recommend adhering to the guidance provided by the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA) to maintain the child’s well-being during their usage of these facilities. As a guardian, your decision to allow a child under the age of 16 to use these facilities constitutes acceptance of full responsibility for their safety, health, and supervision: 
      • Children: The body temperature of young children will rise much quicker than that of older children or adults owing to their underdeveloped thermo-regulatory mechanisms. Children should always be supervised closely by a responsible adult, the amount of time spent in the spa pool, sauna, or steam room should be limited, and they must replace lost fluids frequently. Adults must be aware of the dangers of heat stress in children and ensure from early indications of stress that they are not put at risk.
  2. Gym
    • For safety reasons, the gymnasium is accessible only to individuals who are 16 years old and above. 
    • Appropriate clean footwear and clothing must be worn at all times.  
    • As a courtesy to others, please wipe down equipment after use with the paper towels and sanitiser provided. 
    • Please make sure that you drink plenty of water during your workout.  No other types of food or drink are permitted in the gym.
  3. General
    • You are requested to change and shower after using any of the above facilities before using the bar/lounge area.  
    • Each membership is issued with 6 guest passes valid for one-year; new passes are issued at the beginning of each year. Guest passes are to be used for friends and family, the only restriction being that you must accompany your guest at all times.  
    • Please be aware that annually the site is closed for two weeks to enable vital maintenance.  This period falls at the end of November and beginning of December and further details will be issued prior to this.  
    • Members and their guests must at all times observe the Rules and Regulations. Underscar Owners’ Club Limited reserves the right to amend these rules and increase fees at any time and with one month’s notice. 
    • Underscar Owners’ Club Limited may withdraw all or part of the facilities for any period when required for any repair attention or maintenance work. 
    • Underscar Owners’ Club Limited reserve the right to vary the opening times of the facilities.
  4. Health and Beauty
    • For your peace and enjoyment, treatments are only available to clients aged 12 years and over. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult (no massage or body treatments available under 16 years of age) 
    • To ensure the privacy and comfort of our clients, only spa guests are permitted within the treatment area. 
    • 24 hours’ notice is required for individual treatment cancellations. Failure to show or provide adequate cancellation time will incur a 100% charge. 
    • All spa employees are trained to the highest possible standards and to respect the privacy of our guests in order to create a comfortable and relaxing environment for all.  
    • Please refer to the Spa etiquette ( for full terms and conditions.
  5. Deferment of Membership
    • All requests to put a membership on hold should be made by completing the membership deferment form.
    • This request must be made a minimum of 5 days before the 4th of the month.
    • The request to defer a membership must be for a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 6 months.
    • The option to defer is only permitted once in any 12-month period.
    • The option to defer a membership is only available to those who are unable to use the facilities due to secondment, having dual residence in two countries or for medical reasons, and evidence may be required.
  6. Termination of Membership
    • We ask that you give us 1 months’ notice in writing if you wish to terminate your membership
    • Notice Period: Members are required to provide a written notice of at least one month if they wish to terminate their membership. This notice should be sent to the membership manager through the provided official email address [email protected] or handed in personally at the front desk.
  7. Members Conduct
    • Members who wilfully or negligently cause damage to facilities or equipment will be liable for the cost of repair. Disorderly, rude or offensive behaviour may result in termination of membership. 
    • Any dispute will be taken up with the management, whose decision will be final.
  8. Smoking
    • Please note that smoking is not permitted in any part of the facilities including car parks.
  9. Lockers

    • For security reasons, lockers should be used for all personal belongings. All items are left at owners’ risk. 
    • Lockers are provided only for the duration of your visit and items left overnight will be removed on the following day and will be held at reception for no longer than three months. 
    • Email [email protected] or contact reception to make a lost property enquiry. We will take all reasonable steps to return lost properties to the rightful owner.
  10. Dress Codes

    • We kindly ask that a “smart casual” dress code be adopted in the bar and lounge areas at all times. 
    • The general ethos of Underscar is one of quiet enjoyment and relaxation. Our intention is to maintain this atmosphere and we would particularly ask that children’s behaviour be supervised at all times.  
    • Appropriate footwear for the gym and poolside must be worn at all times. 
    • Outdoor shoes are not permitted in the gym or in the wet areas.
  11. Environmental Responsibility
    • We are trying to reduce our reliance on single-use plastic and so encourage clients to stay hydrated with a reusable water bottle.  These can be filled at any time from our coolers which are located around Underscar.
  12. Liability
    • You are advised not to undertake any strenuous physical activity for which you may be medically unfit and Underscar Owners Club Ltd will not in any way be responsible for any harm which may come to you or your guests as a result of your undertaking any activity which is beyond your capability
    • If you or your guests are suffering from any medical condition or are receiving any medical treatment, you shall, before using the facilities, seek the advice of a doctor.  Underscar Owners Club Ltd reserve the right to seek proof that this has been done should they feel it appropriate 
    • Underscar Owners Club Ltd shall not in any circumstances accept any responsibility for the personal belongings of either you or your guests.  Lockers are provided for your use.  Any loss or damage to personal property is therefore strictly limited to that specifically caused as a result of negligence on the part of Underscar Owners Club Ltd
    • No responsibility can be accepted for any accident to you or your guests that may occur on the premises other than any liability which may arise from the negligence of Underscar Owners Club Ltd, their staff or their Agents.  If you or any of your guests suffer an accident you must report this to a member of staff immediately following its occurrence.