Yet another management fee hike but no return on investment« Back to Questions List

Like everyone else, we've just received the Newsletter informing us of yet another price hike for the Management Fee and I wondered what return on investment we're actually getting, in fact I know the answer to that, an in our case, it's none. We own a week in Ashness - the huge one bedroom on the front wall (you know the one, it has the smashing view of the new wall) - on our visit this year we discovered lights under the kitchen units that didn't work and couldn't be replaced due to them no longer being manufactured and a rather stylish (Northern irony here) block of wood glued to the door that houses the boiler, due to an over zealous tenant slamming the door back and the cap of the bannister piercing a hole in the door ( how that happened, beggars belief). Ashness owners are a victim of their own "success" - the lodge has been well cared for by owners (probably down to the fact it's not that family friendly) and the consequence of this is we're no doubt lower down the list when it comes to any form of refurbishment. Surely there should be some process in place where those lodges who have been refurbished, or are on the list for imminent refurbishment be the ones who pay increased fees, leaving those further down the list with no increase (or for that matter, a reduction). I'd be interested to hear other owners views
Asked on September 26, 2018 3:37 pm

What Newsletter are you referring to? We haven’t had anything! Who do we contact? Thanks

Posted by candmef
Answered On October 6, 2018 9:44 am